Monday, March 15, 2010

Essential questions 6.2

1. How are trusses able to span large distances?

Trusses are able to span large distances by the use of triangles to distribute the weight evenly to make sure the truss is stable

2. What do I have to understand in order to use mathematics to predict truss strength?

A good knowledge of trigonometry would be helpful. This would include Pythagorean theorem and sine cosine and tangent. Also programs such as MD solids can be very helpful.

3. How are different roof styles and pitches related to different architectural styles?

Some architectual styles that are different are cubic and victorian, because cubic has low pitched roofs which requires different trusses/supports than a victorian home.

4. What is the effect of different materials on the strength of a rafter or a truss?

Tensile strength, or the amount of bending a material can withstand before breaking, has a major effect on how strong a truss is.

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